RSE Policy

Our School Philosophy:

The aim of our School is the development of the Christian person, in accordance with the doctrines, practices and tradition of the Catholic Church. We try to achieve this by fostering the developments of physical, social, moral and intellectual endowments of the child and in this way each child gets the opportunity to realise his/her full potential and face the future with confidence.


Definition of RSE:

RSE aims to provide opportunities for children and young people to learn about relationships and sexuality in ways that help them think and act in a moral, caring and responsible way.


Relationship of RSE to SPHE:

RSE Programme is taught in the school as part of the SPHE Programme. Two and half hours per week are allocated to this subject. It includes such topics as; healthy eating, exercise, stay safe, self-esteem, hygiene, care of the environment, etc. These topics are also being covered in other subjects especially the Religious Ed. Prog. and Social and Environmental Studies and will continue to be integrated with them.

A small number of RSE lessons dealing with sensitive issues, e.g. puberty, adolescence, conception and birth will be dealt with separately and parents will be notified in advance of the commencement of these lessons.


Aims of our RSE Programme:

  • to enhance the personal development, self-esteem and well-being of the child
  • to help the child to develop healthy friendships and relationships
  • to foster an understanding of, and a healthy attitude to, human sexuality and relationships in a moral, spiritual and social framework
  • to enable the child to acquire an understanding of, and respect for, human love, sexual intercourse and reproduction
  • to develop and promote in the child a sense of wonder and awe at the process of birth and new life
  • to enable the child to be comfortable with the sexuality of oneself and others while growing and developing.



Guidelines for the management and organisation of RSE in our School:

The RSE content is based on the Interim Guidelines for primary schools drawn up by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA). In order to promote the joint involvement of parents and teachers in implementing the RSE programme the following will be available for review to parents at the start of every School year.

  • The report of the Expert Advisory Group on RSE
  • The interim Guidelines on RSE for primary School.
  • The RSE programme details for each class
  • RSE resource material
  • The principal and teachers are also available to assist parents.


Parents’ Rights:

The School is committed to working with parents and acknowledges that parents are the prime educators of their children. Parents may wish to exercise their right to withdraw their children from RSE classes. In such cases the Principal will explore with parents their concerns and any impact that withdrawal might have on the child.


Organisation – Delivery:

It is envisaged that the class teacher will teach the programme as she has most contact with the children. Should a situation arise that a teacher is unwilling to teach the programme the principal will make arrangements for the Core Periods of the programme to be taught by someone suitable.

When children are in a split class (e.g. 3rd and 4th) the programme for the higher class will be used. Lower classes will be withdrawn.

With regard to sensitive issues i.e., puberty, adolescence, conception and birth, parents will be informed in advance of the commencement of these lessons and will get copy of content of lesson.



Teachers will deliver lessons in a spirit of respect for the rights of children and their families concerning privacy and confidentiality.


Provision for ongoing support, development and review:

Support programmes are organised by Athlone Education Centre for teachers who need support in dealing with the sensitive issues.


      First RSE Policy was drawn up and ratified in March 2000


Policy reviewed and ratified as part of SPHE Policy on 27th February 2012



Ratified by B.O. M. on 27th February 2012




            Chairperson of Board of Management


Reviewed and ratified 13th February 2018




Overview of content of RSE programme


Infant Classes-

First and Second Classes



Strand Units

Strand Units


  • I am unique

Self esteem

Devoloping and expressing


  • My body
  • As I grow I change
  • New life
  • Keeping Safe
  • Feelings and emotions
  • Making decisions
  • I am unique

Self esteem

Devoloping and expressing


  • My body
  • As I grow I change
  • New life
  • Keeping Safe
  • Feelings and emotions
  • Making decisions

Myself and others

  • Myself and my family
  • Myself and my friends
  • Special people in my life
  • Relating to others


Sharing and co-operating

Resolving conflict

  • Myself and my family
  • Myself and my friends
  • Other people
  • Relating to others


Sharing and co-operating

    Resolving conflict


Third and Fourth Classes

Fifth and Sixth Classes



Strand Units

Strand Units


  • Accepting myself


Developting and expressing


  • Physical development
  • Growing and changing
  • Birth and new life
  • Feelings and emotions
  • Personal hygiene
  • Personal safety

Identifying and assessing


Developing safety strategies

  • Making decisions
  • Accepting myself


Developting and expressing


  • Physical development
  • Becoming an adult
  • Parenthood
  • Feelings and emotions
  • Personal hygiene
  • Personal safety

Identifying and assessing


Developing safety strategies

  • Making decisions

Myself and others

  • Roles and responsibilities in families
  • Friendship
  • Portrayal of sexuality and relationships
  • Roles of males and females in society
  • Relating to others


     Sharing and co-operating

    Resolving conflict



  • Changing relationships in families and friendships
  • Group affiliation and loyalty
  • Portrayal of sexuality and relationships
  • Roles of males and females in society
  • Relating to others


     Sharing and co-operating

    Resolving conflict