

RSE will be taught as part of the SPHE Programme ( introduced in September 2003). Parents will be notified before sensitive issues are introduced and given copy of content of lesson. Parents may withdraw children from RSE Classes or from a specific aspect of the RSE Programme. This takes place usually in February.
Stay Safe:

Stay Safe Programme is taught in all classes in school. This programme teaches children personal safety skills so they can look after themselves in situations which could be upsetting or dangerous. Consent form is included on Enrolment Form

A programme for young children suffering bereavement due to separation or death is organised by teachers in the school. This programme usually takes place in second term
Active Schools Flag:

Much of the 2013-2014 school year was taken up with activities and efforts to work towards attaining the Active Schools Flag. The ASF Committee, consisting of pupils, parents and teachers was set up and with the assistance of all the entire school community efforts were made to become more active. These are just some of the improvements undertaken by the school.

• Classes started to do Bizzy Breaks on wet days. Mrs Quinn announced that we would be staying inside due to the weather and teachers put on music and got the children moving. On some occasions the older pupils led the activity with the younger classes.

• We started doing a 10-15 minute whole school activity session every Friday morning. All children went straight to the yard when the bell rang and activities were led by 2 teachers, 1 in each yard. These activities varied from week to week. Some weeks pupils jogged around the yard and did exercises, other weeks they learned games or dance steps and other weeks they engaged in peer led activities. Each week a couple of students were chosen as Sports Stars of the Week for their efforts in the morning activity. They were awarded with a merit and their photos were displayed on our ASF board. We achieved our main goal as we saw an improvement in fitness levels as the year progressed.

• We introduced Playground Game of the Month in January. Teachers used the Friday morning activity time to teach and play the game and then the children were encouraged to play the game during lunchtimes.

• In February we began to do Drop Everything and Dance. All pupils learned the Macarena and when it was played over the intercom during lessons, everyone got up and started to boogie. It was great fun.

• The school was awarded the Active Travel Green School Flag in June 2014. To achieve this award, we had help from Mieke Scholte, the Green Schools Liason Officer, who visited the school to talk to teachers and pupils. We had our Action Day on 5th March 2014. On this day pupils, staff and parents gathered at the Community Hall donning bright yellow vests and walked up the town and into school with the accompaniment of a garda escort. The older classes carried posters encouraging active travel. The Green School Committee organised competitions for all classes including colouring, poetry and art competitions. Prizes were awarded throughout the day. All pupils were invited to the PE hall to locate their house on a map of Moate and place a sticker on the map if they lived within walking distance of the school. The local gardai also visited some of the classes to teach about road safety and correct use of car-seats and seatbelts. Teachers taught a variety of lessons pertaining to active travel.

• We had another Walk to School Day in June and parents were encouraged to allow children to cycle, walk or park and stride in the good weather.

• When we had the raising of the flag in June, we hired a bouncy castle and the children were awarded with fun activities and fruit rather than the typical sugary snacks.

• Before the Easter holidays 2014, we sent out a letter to parents informing them that we would be starting a couch to 5k programme on 8th of May in the local amenity park in Moate and would love to see as many as possible get involved. The Parents Association helped the ASF committee to advertise the new running group. The programme took place twice a week at 7:30pm on Monday and Wednesday night and participants were encouraged to train on their own at the weekend. We were amazed by the response and the group grew and grew week after week. There were all different levels of fitness being represented and the activity catered for all. It became a great way to get to know more people and stay fit and healthy at the same time. The programme officially lasted until the end of June but some parents continued to meet during the summer. Most of the running group participated in a charity 5k in the local area at the end of June. All the parents that took part are shining examples to their children.

• Parental involvement during Sport’s Day 2014 was very high. Parents were invited to participate in parent novelty races and games.

• We participated in the Cycle Safety Programme run by the local sport’s partnership. Fifth and Sixth class pupils had lessons for four weeks.

• The RSA visited the school and gave every class lessons in road safety.

• The staff participated in an after school yoga training session with Ciara Delaney in February 2013. Ciara’s workshop was excellent and gave teachers of all levels ideas for using yoga not just in PE lessons but also to incorporate it into other areas of the curriculum and even to help manage behaviour. The school purchased resources to assist with teaching yoga and these are readily available to all teachers. The children really engaged in the yoga lessons taught and enjoyed the more challenging poses. We are fortunate to be able to introduce the pupils to another form of exercise and one that can help them to stay calm, balanced and focussed. Without doubt, the entire school community benefitted from this course.

This is just a sample of the many activities that make us a very Active school. We are proud of the effort the whole school community put into becoming fitter and healthier. We have sent in our application for the Flag and hope to hear good news soon.

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