In line with the school’s anti-bullying policy 2014 there are now strict guidelines regarding the use of mobile phones in our school. Children do not need to bring mobile phones to school as necessary phone calls for pupils will be facilitated from the office phone. If a pupil needs to have a mobile phone at school, for use – for example after school – his/her parents/guardians must request permission in writing. Pupils with an approved phone must hand it, switched off, to his/her teacher on arrival in the classroom and collect it at going home time. The school will take no responsibility for any phone which is lost, damaged or stolen from a pupil while on the school premises. If a pupil is found in possession of a phone without written permission, it will be confiscated. The phone must not be switched on until the pupil is outside the school grounds. Any breach of the above guidelines will result in the confiscation of the phone. It must then be collected by the child’s parent/guardian