Attendance: J. Creggy, O. Doris, B. Higgins, L. Brown, S. Mellett, C. Carroll, M. Coughlan, M. McArdle, H. Kelly, C. Stenson.
Apologies: A. Galvin, O. Quinn, T. Collis, P. Fox, S. Fox.
- Communications – move to email communications appreciated by committee. Seesaw app to be used by teacher of 4th and 5th Class.
- PA Newsletter – to be finalised and emailed to parents before Easter break.
- National Parents Council training – sessions for parents of children starting school and transitioning to post-primary to be organised before end of school year. Training for parents’ association, anti-bullying, internet safety etc. to be organised for next school year.
- Communion 11th May at 12pm – videographer yet to be retained.
- Fun Run – Sunday 26th May at 11am. Posters, numbers to be ordered.
- Next meeting to be held at earlier time of 8.30pm.
Next meeting Tuesday 7th May 2019 @ 8.30pm