Attendance: J. Creggy, O. Doris, B. Higgins, A. Galvin, L. Brown, M. Coughlan, S. Julian Mellett. M. Mc Ardle, S. Fox, O. Quinn.
Apologies: H. Kelly, T. Collis, A. McDonald, L. Ryan, C. Carroll.
- Communion party – Thank you received from parents and also from communion committee in boys’ school. Parents to be reminded about availability of photographer next year. 25 videos ordered.
- Fun Run – Sunday 26th May at 11am. Posters and road signs up. Advertised on Run Ireland website, Westmeath Sports Partnership and Westmeath Independent notified, notices in parish newsletters. Race numbers and race pack to be collected, route to be marked out. Supervalu to be asked to sponsor fruit. T-shirt competition to be promoted. Registration forms to be sent home with children on Thursday. Marshalls needed – text to be sent out.
- National Parents Council training – session for parents of children transitioning to post-primary to take place on Thursday 6th June at 8pm. Suggested parents of 5th and 6th class in the boys’ school and other local schools be invited to attend. Transition packs received for parents of children starting school in September.
Next meeting Tuesday 18th June 2019 @ 8.30pm