Attendance: J. Creggy, O. Doris, B. Higgins, A. Galvin, L. Brown, M. Coghlan, C. Carroll, A. McDonald, M. Mc Ardle, M. Browne, L. Keneghan, P. Claffey.
Apologies: H. Kelly, K. McAteer, L. Ryan, S. Julian Mellett, M. Young, G. Hickey, P. Fox.
- Grandparents’ Day Friday 31st January – time to be confirmed, catering to be provided, text to be sent to parents re. baking.
- Amalgamation – possibility of surveying parents to be put to BOM by letter ahead of their next meeting on 25th Feb. PA of boys’ school to be consulted. Agreed survey be kept simple, preferably online & only to ascertain if interest is there initially.
- Traffic on Station Road – new warning lights to be installed, drop off only on left side of road.
- BOM parents’ rep. update
- Stay Safe Programme – teachers to revisit ‘Stranger Danger’ with children.
- Army Band 18th Feb @ 10.30am – catering to be provided.
- Intercultural day 25th March (provisional).
- ‘Farmyard in schoolyard’ 3rd March – small fee to be collected from each child, PA to fund the balance.
- World Book Day 5th March – PA to provide prizes (book vouchers).
- Extra-curricular activities – Learnit STEM workshops for 4th, 5th & 6th classes, Spelling for 1st class upwards to be considered by teachers, agreed PA to fund.
Next meeting Monday 9th March @ 8.30pm