P.A. Meeting 9th April 2018

icon name=”caret-right” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] First Holy Communion: photographer, videographer and catering on the day.
Hockey Classes.
5K Fun Run.

Next Meeting 1st May

Below are the links to Internet Safety following the talk in the school  earlier in the year:

Parental Controls on your Internet Browser

Most internet browsers offer free parental controls/restrictions to help manage what sites your child can access when online.

Google Chromegoogle.ie/safetycenter/families
Safari: support.apple.com/
Firefox: support.mozilla.org/parental-controls
Internet Explorer: windows.microsoft.com/using-content-advisor

Parental Controls on Search Engines

Search engines play a big part in what we look at online so it is important to help manage the types of content your child can come across when searching for something online.

Google Safe Search: https://support.google.com/
Bing: http://www.bing.com/account

YouTube Safety Mode: webwise.ie/youtube-safety-mode/
YouTube kids app: webwise.ie/parents/youtube-kids/

Swipe TV
RTÉ have a dedicated channel app which is a great source of video content for children including videos, games, TV shows and more.

The app is suitable for primary level children. rte.rte.ie/swipetv/


You can control access to certain maturity levels of Netflix content from the Your Account page under Manage Profiles.

Netflix parental controls consist of four maturity levels:

  • Little Kids
  • Older Kids
  • Teens
  • Adults

For more info go to: help.netflix.com/264

Parental Controls on Game Consoles

In many households gaming can be just as popular or even more popular than spending time online, so it is just as important to protect our children when gaming.

The most popular consoles all offer free parental controls and easy step by step guides to setting them up.
Xbox: xbox.com/en-IE/parental-controls
PS4: playstation.com/parental-controls
PS3: playstation.com/playstation-3/
Nintendo Wii: support.nintendo.com/parent
Ninetendo DS: nintendo.com/parents
PSP: playstation.com/get-help/

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