March 2012

Atlantic Corridor/Ericsson Primary Schools Science Competition National Finals

Pictured below are pupils from 5th and 6th class who represented the school at the above competition where they did themselves and the whole school community proud with a great presentation of their project, “The Ecologist”, a look at the Wildlife Habitat at the Cowpark, Moate.

Seachtain na Gaeilge Concert, March 15th 2012
We held our Annual Seachtain na Gaeilge Concert in the School Hall on Thursday, March 15th
and a wonderful display of Song, Dance, Music, Drama and Poetry was enjoyed by all.

National Tree Week March 5th – 9th 2012
To mark National Tree Week, Local Landscaper and Parent, Oliver johnston presented the School with a Beech Tree, which was planted to the rear of the school, in our Wildlife Garden Area.
Pictured below at the tree planting is Cara Johnston, with her teacher, Ms Rabbette and some of her class mates.


Storytelling with Niall de Burca March 5th 2012
Also as part of our celebrations for World Book Day, reknowned storyteller, Niall de Burca visited the School.
The children thoroughly enjoyed these sessions, as can be seen from these photographs.



National World Book Day Thursday, March 1st
We celebrated World Book Day on Thursday last by inviting all those who wished to dress up as their favourite Book Character with special emphasis on creating their own home-made costumes. The results were fantastic and a wide variety of characters were represented, including Harry Potter, Lightning Mc Queen, Goldilocks, Little Red Riding Hood, Mrs. Twit, Peter Pan, Little MissMuddle and princesses and fairies galore, to name but a few. Well done to all for their efforts.
We also held a Book Sale and a Table Quiz on the day and congratulations to Kirsty’s winning team and Nia’s team who were runners up.

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Science Week 2024

Last week we celebrated Science. There was lots of activity in the school including stem projects, experiments and nature walks ! There were also Junior

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