Lunch procedures and code of behaviour

Pupils must play in designated supervised areas.

Pupils must not re-enter the school building during break times without permission from the supervising teacher.

Children must enter and leave classrooms in an orderly manner. Once bell is rung, each child must return to the Class Line.

The use of bad language is not acceptable and will not be tolerated.

Bullying, both physical and verbal, and threatening behaviour are totally forbidden.

During inclement weather, children stay in classrooms for breaks. They must observe any directions given by teachers and safety procedures must be followed at all times.

Any kind of behaviour, which endangers the children themselves or others, is forbidden.

Such behaviour includes:

Pulling Clothes
Carrying Others
Rough Play
Karate/ Kick Boxing
Mess Fighting

When misbehaviour occurs, the following strategies are used:

Reasoning with the pupil.
Reprimand including advice on how to improve.
Parents informed of misbehaviour by Class Teacher.
Loss of Privileges.
Referral to Principal.
Communication with Parents by Board of Management.

Teachers shall keep a written report of all instances of serious
misbehaviour as well as a record of improvements in the
behaviour of disruptive pupils.

Suspension procedures may follow if deemed necessary by the school authorities.

When misbehaviour occurs, the following strategies are used:

Reasoning with the pupil.
Reprimand including advice on how to improve.
Parents informed of misbehaviour by Class Teacher.
Loss of Privileges.
Referral to Principal.
Communication with Parents by Board of Management.
Teachers shall keep a written report of all instances of serious
misbehaviour as well as a record of improvements in the
behaviour of disruptive pupils.
Suspension procedures may follow if deemed necessary by the school

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