St Brigid’s Primary School is proud to be a green school. The Green School initiative promotes long-term, whole-school action for the environment. The programme is operated and co-ordinated by the Environmental Education Unit of An Taisce (FEE member for Ireland). This programme is very valuable as it teaches all of us to be more aware of our environment and to treat our planet with respect. The Green School programme examines different aspects of the environment. Each year a committee is formed which includes pupils, staff and members of the wider community. Their job is to facilitate the implementation of a plan which will help our environment.
To date we have been awarded the following green flags: Litter and Waste Management, Energy Conservation, Water Conservation , Travel and Biodiversity.
2022: This year we are in the second year of a two year cycle working towards our 6th flag: Global Citizenship Litter and Waste.
The committee consists of representatives from 1st class upwards and staff representatives. Welcome Alice, Antonia, Aoife, Bianca, Cara, Damian, Emily, Emma, Farah, Laura. Leah, Leo, Lily, Lucy, Mya and Heather! Staff representatives include Mrs. Gillivan, Ms. Mahony, Ms. Casey and Joe Farrington.
Meet the Green Team
In November 2021 the committee carried out an audit on the recycling and waste bins in our school. Classroom bins were weighed and analysed. The green school team are always up for a challenge and had no problem doing the dirty work! There were lots of items in incorrect bins! We have a lot of work to do! The committee made a bar chart to illustrate their findings. The staffroom in particular needs a lot of work!
A litter and waste survey was also completed by students from Junior Infants – Third Class. Junior and Senior Infants and First class answered Yes /No questions from the Green School Committee. 2nd and 3rd class completed a multiple choice survey online. The results from the audit and survey informed us that lots of pupils and staff are not sure what items go in the waste and recycling bins. It also showed us that pupils are not aware of the long term effects of littering or the benefits of recycling. We also hope to cut down on the weight of waste bins by 10 % this time next year.
Fourth – Sixth class students carried out a survey on Global CItizenship. On completion of this survey the committee decided to focus on two areas where they lacked knowledge: Fairtrade and the origins of food. In particular the committee hope that the importance of buying local or growing your own food will be highlighted. Each committee member also researched the different nationalities in their classroom. Our diverse school includes many different nationalities. We hope that by having a World Culture Day in 2022/23 we can learn more about the different nationalities our school represents.
In March 2023 we carried out a repeat audit of the waste and recycling bins in our school. We are glad to report that there were very few incorrect items in the waste bin. The weight waste bins had nearly dropped by 50%!!
All the repeat surveys showed that there was an increase awareness of how to recycle properly. Senior classes showed that they know what it means to be a global citizen and have a much idea of what Fairtrade means.
As you can see from the above bar chart we have made great progress and have smashed our target of 10% reduction in our waste. Well done everyone!! Thankfully the staffroom’s wsate fits within the chart this time!!
The committee analysed the results from these surveys and based on their findings an action plan for made. Please click below to read our action plan until June 2023.
We are constantly monitoring and evaluation our progress. Litter wardens check our yard daily for litter and dispose of it correctly. 5th class monitor the compost bin and ensure only the correct items are put in it.
The Green School Committee carry out random checks on each class to ensure they are Energy and Water Savers.
Each week an award is given out to the Greenest Classroom. They are awarded a trophy!
The Green School committee meet weekly to discuss progress and montior acitivity.
We were delighted to partake in the Shoebox appeal for Team hope this year. Such initiatives help to increase awareness about global poverty and helps promote our links and partnership with other countries. Sixth class girls also made Christmas decorations this year for a local charity in Athlone.
We have been very busy this year planting in our lovely school garden. The green school committee helped plant a seed with each pupil in the school. The girls and boys planted radishes, beetroot and salad leaves in handmade newspaper pots. We hope they will grow in all the gardens! In the school garden we grew carrots, salad leaves, pumpkins, strawberries and radishes. We also grew cosmos flowers and sweet peas. The committee did a super job tending to the seedlings, watering them daily and planting them out. We hope to be able to harvest pumpkins next October! Check out the gallery below to see how bountiful our garden looks!
The Green School Committee were so lucky to have Heather and Laura working with them the past year. The girls did trojan work in guiding and leading the initative. They also looked after the garden with daily watering and tending. They showed great passion about our environment and we are very proud of their hard work.
All classes completed lessons on global goals.
Junior classes learned about needs and wants. They learned about the Global Goals and how some children’s need are much greater than theirs.
First and second ordered put the global goals in order of importance. They also made posters of how they would like the world to look like in 2030.
Third class focused on Global Goal 14 Life Under water. They read the book The Wonder of the Sea & The Mess we Made from the Global Goal book club and made posters highlighted plastic pollution in our seas.
Fourth and Fifth made raps to increase awareness. They also made global goal paper chains with ideas of how they can help make the difference and help the world achieve the Global Goals.
Sixth class explored gender equality and compared % female and male role models in their lives. Board games promoting awareness and understanding of the global goals were also made.
The committee made a Global Goal Advent Calendar which was read aloud each day during advent. It featured different way we can help achieve each goal.
See photos of board games and winning posters.
Plastic Free February 2022
During this month children engaged in lessons about plastic production. They also looked at ways to reduce single use plastic.
This February we participated in the Big Travel Challenge. Over a two week period we kept a tally of all those who walked to school. There was a small improvement but the weather wasn’t kind and many had to take the car due to the bad weather. Once the weather improves we hope more pupils will make efforts to reduce their carbon footprint and walk, cycle, scoot or park and ride to school. Small steps make a big difference.
We share our news through this website and also with our noticeboard where we inform students, teachers and the wider community.
The Green Code for Global Citizenship Litter and Waste was created by Elyssa. Her code was selected as the overall winner by the Green School Committee. Well done Elyssa!