Board of Management

Board of Management Meeting 8th June 2020

Agreed  Report.

  • Minutes read and adopted
  • Maintenance – List of Jobs to be compiled and quotes obtained
  •  Covid Closure and re-openng
  •  Storage and SEN space
  •  Admissions Policy
  •  Principal’s Report
  •  Child Protection
  •  Expressions of Sympathy
  •   Correspondence
  •  Financial Report – reviewed and in order 

Board of Management Meeting 25th February 2020

Agreed  Report.

  • BOM training being availed of
  • Engineer to be asked to look at concerns about wall and roofs
  • Plumber to put in push taps
  • Road safety – warning lights erected – continue ‘Kiss and Drop’ at gate
  •  Trees to be safety checked after storms
  •  Child Protection Annual Review carried out
  •  Anti-bullying Annual Review carried out
  •  Finances reviewed and in order

Board of Management Meeting 14th January 2020

Agreed  Report.

  • Minutes read and adopted
  • Appointment of Officers – Chairman – Kevin Duffy, Treasurer – Liam Farrell, Secretary – Cathy Gillivan
  •  Role of Board and Profile and promotion of school discussed
  •  Maintenance – Push Taps , Radiators 
  • Update on Flood – Job almost complete, works covered by Insurance except upgrade to ICT
  • Principal’s Report
  •  Road Safety – Council installing Warning lights Kiss and Drop strategy to be rolled out
  • Ongoing looking at improving of facilities, resources, status and staffing
  •  Child Protection oversight report
  •  Financial report

Board of Management Meeting 15th October 2019

Agreed  Report.

  • Minutes
  • Staffing
  • Damage by Water
  • Maintenance/repairs
  • Health and Safety.
  • Financial Statement.
  • Principal’s Report.
  • Formation of new Board
  • Road safety
  • Accommodation
  • Appointment of cleaner
  • Child Protection

Board of Management Meeting 18th June 2019

Agreed Report.

  • Minutes
  • Staffing
  • Testing
  • Maintenance
  • Health and Safety.
  • Financial Statement.
  • Principal’s Report.
  • Child Protection


Board of Management Meeting 9th April 2019

Agreed Report:

  • Minutes
  • Enrolments
  • Staffing
  • Maintenance
  • Policies for review.
  • Financial Report.
  • Principal’s Report.
  • Parents’ Association.
  • Child Protection

Next meeting 18th June 7 pm.

Board of Management Meeting 4th December 2018


Agreed Report

  • Minutes.
  • Maintenance.
  • Mt. Carmel.
  • Accommodation.
  • Safety/ Traffic.
  • Financial Report.
  • Principal’s Report.
  • Child Protection/Oversight Report.

Next Meeting 19th February 2019  8p.m.


Board of Management meeting 16th Oct. 2018

Agreed Report

  • Minutes
  • Mt.Carmel.
  • Staffing
  • School Accommodation.
  • Policies/plans.
  • Maintenance
  • Financial Report.
  • Principal’s report
  • Child Safeguarding Statement.

Next Meeting 4th December 2018 8 pm


Board of Management Meeting 19th June 2018

Agreed Report


  • Mt Carmel.
  • Staffing.
  • Space issues.
  • Playground.
  • Financial Report.
  • Child Safeguarding Report.
  • Summer works.
  • Summer Camp

Next meeting 9th Oct. 2018


Board of Management meeting 17th April 2018

  • Agreed report.
  • Minutes
  • Mt. Carmel.
  • Staffing and accommodation
  • Maintenance
  • Financila Report.
  • Principal’s report
  • Child Safeguarding Statement

Next Meeting 19th June 2018


Board of Management 13th Feb. 2018

Agreed report

Mt. Carmel.
Financial report.
Principal’s report
Child Protection.

Next Meeting 17th April 2018.

Board of Management 12th Dec 2017

Agreed Report

  • Minutes
  • Mt.Carmel.
  • Staffing
  • Principal’s Report
  • Playground markings.
  • Financial report.
  • Child Protection.

Next meeting 13th February 2018



B.O.M. Meeting 13th June 2017

Agreed Report

  • Minutes.
  • Maintenance.
  • Mt. Carmel
  • Job Sharing.
  • Ancillary Staff
  • ICT
  • Financial Report.
  • Summer Works.
  • Principal’s Report.
  • Child Protection.

Next meeting: 8pm 10th October 2017 .


B.O.M. 4th April 2017

Agreed Report.

  • Minutes.
  • Maintenance.
  • Mt. Carmel
  • Job Sharing
  • Ancillary Staff.
  • I.C.T. Headlice.
  • Financial statement.
  • Principal’s Report.
  • Child Protection.

Next meeting 13th June 2017


B.O.M. 7th February 2017

Agreed Report

  • Minutes.
  • New Parents’ Representative, Claire Stenson, welcomed.
  • Mt. Carmel.
  • Maintenance.
  • Safety
  • I.C.T.
  • Financial statement.
  • Principal’s Report.
  • Child Protection.

Next meeting 4th April 2017.


B.O.M.13th Dec. 2016

Agreed Report

· Minutes.

· Mothers’ Representative on the Board.

· Maintenance Issues.

· Financial report.

· Principal’s Report

· Child Protection

Next meeting 7th February 2017 8pm



B.O.M. Meeting 11th Oct. 2016

Agreed Report

Mount Carmel.
Traffic situation and Westmeath Co. Council.
Imelda’s Retirement.
Confirmation choir.
Parents’ Rep on B.O.M.
Financial statement.
Financial projections for 2016/17.
Principal’s Report.
Child Protection.

Next meeting 13th Dec. 2016 8 pm.

Agreed Report B.O.M. Meeting 14th June 2016

Minutes of last meeting.
Petition to council re traffic situation
Mount Carmel.
Staffing and enrolments 2016/2017
Financial statement.
Standardised Tests report.
Principal’s Report.
End of year mass
Child protection: No issues

Next meeting 11th Oct. 2016 8pm

Agreed Report B.O.M. meeting 8th March 2016

Enrolment 223
Mount Carmel
Traffic situation: Council to be petitioned re traffic situation
Policies reviewed and ratified: Child Protection , Anti Bullying, Healthy School Policy( these are up on the website) and Complaints Procedures( this is available for inspection in the school on request)
Financial Statement.
Principal’s Report.
Projects: 1916 celebrations, tours, swimming tin whistle, basketball, Seachtain na Gaeilge.
Child Protection: No issues. Principal reminds teachers to report any issues that they have concerns about.

Next Meeting 14th June 2016

Agreed report B.O.M. meeting 19th January 2016

Officers of the new Board elected
Board given a brief outline of the function of the Board.
Traffic situation.
Mount Carmel.
Principal’s report.
Financial Statement.
Child Protection

Next meeting: 8th March 2016

Agreed Report B.O.M. meeting 3rd November 2015

Enrolment 3rd Nov. 2015 220 pupils.
Budget put in place for 2015/16 and approved by the Board.
Policies reviewed: Policy on Equal Opportunity and Gender Equality.
Policy on Reception, Assembly and Dismissal of Pupils.
Assessment Policy
EPV days
History Plan
New Boiler for heating.
Projects for coming year.
End of Term for the present Board.
Ballot papers sent out for the new board.
Child Protection: No Issues.

Agreed report B.O.M. 23rd June 2015

Enrolments 2015-16. 224 pupils.
Staffing:New post sanctioned. Ms. Caitriona Kelly has been appointed to this post.
9 class teachers, 1 Resource, 1 Learning support and 1 full time SNA.

Summer works: New boiler, water heaters and new notice boards.
Child Protection: No issues

Next meeting 22nd Sept. 2015 7p.m.

Agreed Report B.O.M. 19th May 2015:

Enrolment for 2015/16 219 pupils.
Ms. Lorna Brown has been appointed from the supplementary panel to the permanent position in the school.
The school has been gifted Mount Carmel house by the Sisters of Mercy. There is ongoing discussion on its future use.
Heating system to be upgraded.
Immersion to be fitted in kitchenette and staff toilets.
Confirmation on the 21st May 4p.m.
Sr. Clare was presented with a gift from the board for her support and help to the school through the years.
First Holy Communion photos will be available from the P.A. as soon as they get them on a disc from Charlie Digan.
No issues with regard to child protection.

Next meeting 16th June 2015

Agreed Report from B.O.M. meeting 24th March 2015.

  • Enrolment for 2015/16 now stands at 214.
    Active School Week 13th -17th April with Sports Day on the 17th.
    Raising of the Active Flag on 17th at 1.30.
    Tennis classes for 4th to 6th classes starting after Easter for 10 sessions.
    Couch to 5k to go ahead again this year.
    New Infants along with their parents invited to visit the school on 12th June at 1p.m.Child Protection: No issues of concern

Agreed Report from B.O.M. meeting 10th Feb. 2015

Staffing: Niamh Keenan is replacing Oonagh Mahony in 3rd and 4th class.
Enrolment forms for school year 2015/16 are going out at the moment.
Maintenance: Leak in flat roof over office to be repaired during mid-term.
Water leak: leak discovered inside school has been sorted.
Policies: the following policies were reviewed and ratified by B.O.M.; EPV Days, Attendance, Enrolment, Behaviour, SPHE/RSE. and Child Protection.
Easter Camp run by Ms. Sharon Kelly and Ms. Deirdre Keena during school holidays Monday 30th March to Thurs 2nd April.
Upcoming events: Reading Awareness Week 2nd- 6th March. World Book Day 5th March. Sale of second hand books and bags during Reading Awareness Week.
Be Active Programme for children from 1st class to take place for 1 hour after school each Wednesday for 6 weeks starting 4th March.
Friends for Life Programme: Two of our teachers have been trained to deliver this programme aimed to assist children develop skills to effectively cope with difficult and anxiety provoking situations. It will be implemented in 6th class starting after mid-term break.
Child Protection: No issues of concern.

Next meeting: 24th March 8p.m.

  • The following is the agreed report from the Board of Management Meeting 4th December 2014
    New principal welcomed..
    Application for a further SNA under Job bridge unsuccessful.
    Minor Works Grant reinstated.
    Principal’s report.
    Total enrolment 4th Dec 213
    Staffing: Lorna Browne to replace Geraldine Earley in temporary capacity till June 2015
    Deirdre Robbins to cover Ms. Emma Casey while on maternity leave.
    Ms Caitriona Kelly covering Ms. Galvin’s maternity leave.

D.E.S. In-service/Curriculum.
SSE:Year 1 of Numeracy and Year2 of Literacy.
SPHE policy being reviewed by P.A.
School awarded Active Flag.

Carol Service 9th Dec.
Junior classes plays starting 12th Dec.
Army Band 16th Dec.
Santa’s visit 18th Dec.
Basketball starting in New Year.
Active Flag to be raised in the New Year.

Next meeting 10th February 2015

School Self-Evaluation Report Summary Sept 2014.

Introduction – The focus of the evaluation
A school self-evaluation of teaching and learning in St Brigid’s Primary school was undertaken during the period January to June 2014. During the evaluation, teaching and learning in numeracy was evaluated.This is a report on the findings of the evaluation.

School context
St Brigids Primary School has 8 mainstream teachers, one Learning Support Teacher and Resource Teacher and an Administrative Principal. The school caters for boys and girls from Infants – 1st class and girls from 2nd class to 6th class. Pupils come from a range of socio-economic backgrounds. The current enrolment is 210.

We looked at information collected from pupils via questionnaire, information from teachers via a whole school maths review and we analysed Drumcondra Maths Test scores from 1st to 6th class.

Summary of school self-evaluation findings
Our School has strengths in the following areas:
Children in our school score within or exceed expectations with regard to national norms in Maths. In comparison with national norms there are 37% of our whole school population in the cohort of high attainment (PR 85 and above.)
Analysis of our standardized tests also indicated that only 9% of our whole school population are currently in the low range of attainment in comparison to 16% nationally.
Pupils display a positive attitude towards numeracy as per our questionnaire.
The school has invested well in maths resources and ICT resources to facilitate the learning experiences of the children.
All classrooms are equipped with IWB, laptop and data projector and all teachers have access to Maths software and games.
Some teachers have engaged in CPD in Maths Recovery- Mata sa Rang and Ready Set Go Maths.
The needs and abilities of pupils are catered for by effective teaching and collaboration between class teachers and Learning
The Following Areas are Prioritized for Improvement:
To increase the average score of problem solving within the total school cohort in Drumcondra Maths test by 5% over the next 3 years
To develop a whole school approach to problem solving,including word problems,open ended investigations,games, puzzles, maths trails and practical tasks.
Use of NCCA PDST parent oriented resources to encourage and develop parental involvement in problem solving and in maths in general.
Increase the use of Maths in the school environment.
To develop pupils understanding of the strand of Measures: Weight, capacity, time, money, length,area
No legislative and regulatory requirements need to be addressed

Summary School Improvement Plan
This school improvement plan sets out the actions that we will undertake in the school over the next three years from Sept 2014- Jun 2017.
The main purpose of these actions is to improve our pupils’ learning in problem solving and measures.
Improvement Targets
Required Actions
Timeframe for Actions
To increase the average score of problem solving within the total school cohort in Drumcondra Maths test by 5% over the next 3 years

To develop a whole school approach to problem solving,including word problems,open ended investigations,games, puzzles, maths trails and practical tasks

Teachers to receive CPD in all aspects of Problem Solving from PDST/cuiditheoir
A list of all problem solving resources, books, websites etc in school to be compliled.
Implement a yearly plan for teaching problems, with a designated problem solving time each week
10-30 mins as class appropriate.
Term 1 – word problems and open ended tasks
Term 2 – games and puzzles
Term 3 – trails and practical tasks

Each teacher to teach the RUDE strategy by Modelling and display steps in the classroom.
School plan to be amended to reflect this.
Problem of the week to be introduced on trial basis and displayed in the classroom.
Special emphasis on measures during problem solving activities
Year 1
Ongoing through

Term 1 2014/2015
Term2 2014/2015
Term 3 2014/2015

Increase the use of Maths in the school environment.
To develop pupils understanding of the strand of Measures: Weight, capacity, time, money, length,area

Use of NCCA PDST parent oriented resources to encourage and develop parental involvement in problem solving and in maths in general.

To develop pupils understanding of the strand of Measures: Weight, capacity, time, money, length,area
Creation of Maths trails within and outside the school building for each class.
Measure and display the measurements of as many areas of the school environment as possible eg doors, notice boards, windows,trees, gates rain barrel etc
Display different times in analog and digital form throughout the school

Survey the parents about their children’s numeracy using questionnaire
Distribute parental tips sheet from the NCCA at parent teacher meetings.
Direct parents to the class appropriate videos on the NCCA website and post links to same on school website.
Parental advice letters from Busy at Maths programme to be pre-trialled at Junior and Senior Infant Level

More emphasis to be placed on this strand with increased use of concrete materials and real life problems.
Re survey children about maths and problem solving
Review all previous work from Year 1 and 2
Year 2
Ongoing through

Term 1 2015/2016
Term2 2015/2016
Term 3 2015/2016

Pre trial in

Year 3

Success Criteria: Analysis of Drumcondra Maths results, Teacher designed tasks and tests and observation, Parental feedback and involvement

The following is the agreed report from the Board of Management Meeting 4th December 2014
New principal welcomed..
Application for a further SNA under Jobbridge unsuccessful.
Minor Works Grant reinstated.
Principal’s report.
Total enrolment 4th Dec 213
Staffing: Lorna Browne to replace Geraldine Earley in temporary capacity till June 2015
Deirdre Robbins to cover Ms. Emma Casey while on maternity leave.
Ms Caitriona Kelly covering Ms. Galven’s maternity leave.D.E.S. In-service/Curriculum.
SSE:Year 1 of Numeracy and Year2 of Literacy.
SPHE policy being reviewed by P.A.
School awarded Active Flag.Projects/Activities.
Carol Service 9th Dec.
Junior classes play starting 12th Dec.
Army Band 16th Dec.
Santa’s visit 18th Dec.
Basketball starting in New Year.
Active Flag to be raised in the New Year.
Next meeting 10th February

The following is the agreed report from the Board of Management Meeting 23rd September 2014

Pest Control: Installed in the school
Wheelchair Access: Plans for wheelchair access are drawn up and are on file. Ramp will be installed if necessary.
Job-bridge: An sna post is advertised on jobbridge.
Minor Works Grant: The Minor Works Grant will not be paid to schools this year. Huge financial loss to school.
School Self Evaluation and School Improvement Plan: The SSE and SIP for Numeracy were outlined to the Board. This plan will be published on the school’s website. The SSE/SIP FOR Literacy was also outlined and the amended Plan will also be available on the website. The Board agreed with the legislative checklist at the end of the SSE/SIP Plan.
Standardised Test Results: These results were presented to the Board. It was noted that pupils in our school are performing above the normal distribution in Maths and English.
Usage of 36 hours Haddington Road for Staff was ratified.
Usage of 72 Hours for SNA was ratified.

Principal’s Report to Board of Management Date : 23rd September 2014

Pre- Enrolment/ Enrolment:
Total enrolment 23rd September 2014=213
Newcomers: 37 Junior Infants, 11 girls and 1 boy up the school.
Staffing: Staffing for 2014/2015 . Principal 8 mainstream teachers learning Support Teacher Resource Teacher (three hours a week spent in the Boys School).
Maternity leave until 8th Dec …Lorna Brown covering this
Maternity Leave until April…… Caitriona Kelly covering this.
Maintenance: Possibility of painting Ms. Rabbette’s Room at Hallowe’en.

D.E.S In-service /Curriculum:

SSE Evaluation Report and Improvement Plan in Literacy on website
SSE Evaluation Report and Improvement Plan in Numeracy not yet
Legislative checklist completed.
SPHE Policy being reviewed…to be ratified by Board at next meeting
Friendship Week……29th September —3rd October 2014, introducing anti bullying policy to each class

Parents’ Association Meeting:
Clothes collection before the end of October.
Parents Association AGM took place 9th September
Next Meeting 7th October

Projects/ Activities
40 children learning violin this year.
Music Generation in Junior and Senior Infants Board to subsidize, Parents association and school will also subsidize it through fund raising (non uniform days) and performance.
School Mass on 23rd October 2014
Carol Service 8th/ 9th December in the Church
First Communion 9th May
Confirmation 21st May
Football Training: Cathy, Elaine and Caitriona taking children for Gaelic training in Moate Community School Pitch after school on Wednesdays. Insurance in place.

Next meeting in October 2014

St Brigid’s Primary School
Co. Westmeath
Roll no:15512L

Summary School Self Evaluation Report (2013/2014)
Improvement Plan (2014/2015)

Report Issue Date: 26TH June 2014

St Brigid’s Primary School School Self-Evaluation Summary School Improvement Plan
A School Self-Evaluation of Teaching and Learning in English was undertaken during the 2013/2014 school year.
School Context
St Brigids Primary School has 8 mainstream teachers, one Learning Support Teacher and Resource Teacher and an Administrative Principle. The school catering for boys and girls from Infants – 1st class and girls from 2nd class to 6th class. Pupils come from a range of socio-economic backgrounds. The current enrolment is 217.
The following sources of evidence were used to compile the findings of this report.
Ø 2012 WSE inspection report.
Ø Teacher Reviews in the area of Oral Language.
Ø Parents feedback.
Ø Pupil questionnaires.
Ø Pupil’s first language.
Ø Speech and Language attendance.
Ø Analysis of assessments.

Summary of School Self-Evaluation Findings
Our School Has Strengths in the following areas.
Ø Standardised Test Results are above National Norms (see appendix 1)
Ø Teachers reported the Jolly Phonics programme is working very well across all classes so far.
In-class support is firmly in place as an early intervention literacy improvement plan.Ø Literacy Lift Off/ Power Hour are in place and parents reported their happiness with this over the past 2 years and senior infant assessment have indicated improvements in reading levels. First Class results have also improved over the past 3 years.

Our School has prioritised the following areas for development.
Oral Language –
Ø Improve Oral Language confidence and Fluency.
Ø Assessment of Oral Language.
Ø Revise and Review Oral Language Plan.
Ø Begin work on comprehension using Building Bridges of understanding.
Targets for improvements
Assessment of Oral Language
Increase score by at least 1 scale score from September 2014 to June 2015.
Use Drumcondra Profiles Each teacher selects a focus group of 4 pupils in their class of various levels high,middle,low and 1 EAL pupil.
Plan for discreet oral language lesson at least once a week in all classes.
Use Oral Language template trialled to plan for lessons and record in Ciúntas Míosúil
Improve oral language competence in junior classes.
Include oral language activities in early intervention in-class support where possible.(will depend on number of adults available)
Inclusion of parents in efforts to improve Oral Language and over all literacy.
Story sack literacy initiative to be rolled out in September 2014.
Send out new questionnaire in September.
Revisit oral language tips again during the year.
School Plan for Oral Language
Evaluate completed actions and targets and devise plan.
Comprehension work.
Resourse and Learning Support teachers will begin to introduce Building Bridges of Understanding comprehension work beginning with Mrs. Early,s 5th and 6th class.
See improvement in each child’s drumcondra percentile ranking by 1 point by June 2015
All of the above.

Monitor and Review
§ Standardised Test scores analysed.
§ Ciúntas Míosúil used as monitoring tool.
§ Continuing CPD availed of by all staff.
§ Teacher reflection on targets.
§ Staff discussion and teacher observation used as main tool.
§ Each target to be individually evaluated.
§ Teacher observation noted and collated.
§ Parent and Children input.

Please click on the following link to view the complete School Self Evaluation Document improvement plan 2014.docx

Agreed Report: Board of Management Meeting 3rd June 2014

The following is the agreed report from the Board of Management Meeting 3rd June 2014
Fr. Farrell thanked Ms. Sabrina Rabbette (class teacher ) for preparing the children for First Communion. He also thanked Mrs. Casey, Ms. Monahan and Sr. Claire and the choir for the beautiful singing and music at the ceremony.
Wheellchair Access to be provided at the white door.

Summer Work:
Murals on external walls to be completed by Foroige Sharon will look after this.
Some classrooms in need of painting and corridor to be painted.

Appeal: Staffing appeal had been sent to the DES. Application for language support teacher for non-english speaking pupils based on number of EAL pupils in the school and numbers enrolled for 2014/2015 made in this appeal

Total enrolment 3rd June 2014 =217
Pre-enrolment for September 2014, 22 Junior Infant Girls + 15 Junior Infant Boys plus 6 children up the school
Staffing: Maternity Leave Substitute Cover to be advertised on Education Posts.

D.E.S In-service /Curriculum:
Drumcondra Testing ongoing
Mist, Dest and Biap Testing also taking place
Summary SSE Report, including a legislative and policy checklist and a summary school improvement plan should be made available to the whole school community by the end of the school year 2013/2014.

Parents’ Association:
Thanks to the P.A. for organising the First Communion Party
Clothes collection to take place before the holidays
AGM of Parents Association to take place on 9th September 2014

Projects/ Activities
Violin Lessons will continue next school year. Taking enrolments now from 4th class upwards.
Tennis ongoing for 3rd, 4th and 5th classes (weather permitting).
Swimming continues for Mrs. Earley and Ms. Rabbette’s Classes.
Raising of the 4th Green Flag Any suggestions
New infants in on Friday 13th June
Booklists out on Friday 13th
Reports out 17th June
End of year Mass on Monday 23rd June

Next meeting Tuesday 16th September 2014

Agreed Report from Board of Management Meeting 28th April 2014

School Uniform Survey/ Result: Parents were surveyed re uniform. The majority of parents were happy with the present uniform. Some parents expressed dissatisfaction with the track suit. Olive forwarded result of survey to Walshes who in turn will notify the suppliers.
Pest Control: Board decided to give contract to Eco Lab for pest control for €400 + vat .
Photocopying Machine: Board looked at 4 quotations for Photocopying machine. It was decided to buy a new machine outright from IBS .
Policies: Anti Bullying Policy was re- ratified after amendment.
Wheelchair Access: White Door to be made wheelchair accessible.
Confirmation: Fr. Farrell thanked Geraldine Earley (class teacher ) for preparing the children for Confirmation. He also thanked Ms. Rabbette, the teachers who helped out and the choir for the beautiful singing at the ceremony.
Security Lighting: Board contracted electrician to install security, safety lighting at the front of the school.

Principal’s Report to Board of Management Date : 28th April 2014

Total enrolment 28th April 2014=218

Seasonal…….grass cutting and maintenance of grounds

D.E.S In-service /Curriculum:
Anti- bullying Policy re-amended since seminar

Parents’ Association Report:
Thanks to the P.A. for their sponsorship of prizes for Reading Recovery Week.
Preparing for the First Communion Party

Projects/ Activities
Violin Lessons continue. Children learning violin will take part in summer proms concert in Moate Community School on May 15th
Basketball is on going.
Swimming will commence on 12th May for children from 2nd /3rd Class and 6th class
Active School Week 28th April
Sports Day 2nd May
Tours for all classes have been arranged for May, Juniors to Turoe, Middle Classes to the zoo and senior classes to Arigna and Lough Key Forest Park. On 30th May
First Communion 17th May
Active Flag Committee organising couch to 5k training in the Amenity Park starting5 on Wednesday 7th May.
Green Flag Presentation on 22nd May (Travel Theme)
Art and Craft Class for parents. . 13 parents have expressed an interest
Chicken Run to be erected in school garden.
Heritage in School expert to visit school on May 6th.
School to receive 3 Apple I Pads for Autistic Children from Michael Corcoran

Child Protection: Again Principal reminds teachers to report any concerns they might have about child protection.

Next meeting Tuesday 3rd June 2014 at 8.00pm.

St. Brigid’s Primary School.

Anti Bullying Policy
1.In accordance with the requirements of the Education (Welfare) Act 2000 and the Code of Behaviour Guidelines issued by the NEWB, the Board of Management of St. Brigid’s Primary School, Moate has adopted the following anti-bullying policy within the framework of the school’s overall code of behaviour. This policy fully complies with the requirements of the Anti-Bullying Procedures for Primary and Post-Primary Schools which were published in September 2013.
2. The Board of Management recognises the very serious nature of bullying and the negative impact that it can have on the lives of pupils and is therefore fully committed to the following key principles of best practice in preventing and tackling bullying behaviour:
A. A positive school culture and climate which –
 is welcoming of difference and diversity and is based on inclusivity;
 encourages pupils to disclose and discuss incidents of bullying behaviour in a non-threatening environment; and
 promotes respectful relationships across the school community;
B. Effective leadership;
C. A school-wide approach;
D. A shared understanding of what bullying is and its impact;
E. Implementation of education and prevention strategies that-
 build empathy, respect and resilience in pupils; and
 explicitly address the issues of cyber-bullying and identity-based bullying including in particular, homophobic and transphobic bullying.
F. Effective supervision and monitoring of pupils;
G. Supports for staff;
H. Consistent recording, investigation and follow up of bullying behaviour (including use of established intervention strategies); and
I. On-going evaluation of the effectiveness of the anti-bullying policy.

3. In accordance with the Anti-Bullying Procedures for Primary and Post-Primary Schools bullying is defined as follows:
Bullying is unwanted negative behaviour, verbal, psychological or physical conducted, by an individual or group against another person (or persons) and which is repeated over time.
The following types of bullying behaviour are included in the definition of bullying:
 deliberate exclusion, malicious gossip and other forms of relational bullying,
 verbal abuse,
 physical aggression,
 extortion,
 damage to property,
 intimidation,
 name calling,
 telephone calling, text messaging and cyber-bullying and
 identity-based bullying such as homophobic bullying, racist bullying, bullying based on a person’s membership of the Traveller community and bullying of those with disabilities or special educational needs.

Isolated or once-off incidents of intentional negative behaviour, including a once-off offensive or hurtful text message or other private messaging, do not fall within the definition of bullying and should be dealt with, as appropriate, in accordance with the school’s code of behaviour. However, in the context of this policy, placing a once-off offensive or hurtful public message, image or statement on a social network site or other public forum where that message, image or statement can be viewed and/or repeated by other people will be regarded as bullying behaviour. Negative behaviour that does not meet this definition of bullying will be dealt with in accordance with the school’s code of behaviour. Additional information on different types of bullying is set out in Section 2 of the Anti-Bullying Procedures for Primary and Post-Primary Schools. (DES)

4. The relevant teacher(s) for investigating and dealing with bullying is (are) as follows:
The Principal / Deputy Principal and class teacher. Where appropriate other teachers will deal with bullying. In general, all staff members must be vigilant at all times, and have a duty to report suspected or potentially bullying behaviour.

5. The education and prevention strategies that will be used by the school are as follows:
ï‚· The school staff and Board of Management take several measures to curtail bullying.
ï‚· The school acknowledges the right of each member of the school community to enjoy school in a secure environment.
ï‚· The school promotes positive habits of self-respect, self-discipline and responsibility among all its members.
ï‚· The school has a Code of Discipline, Mobile Phone Policy and Acceptable Use Policy in place.
ï‚· All staff members, parents and pupils must treat everyone with respect.
ï‚· The school community is organised in order to minimise opportunities for bullying.
ï‚· Supervision is sufficient at all times.
ï‚· New pupils are monitored as to how they are settling in.
ï‚· School personnel, parents and all pupils, are watchful.
ï‚· The school SPHE plan and especially the Stay Safe Programme address the issue of bullying.
ï‚· The staff address the issue of inappropriate sexual language, and its use as a bullying tool. Homophobic and transphobic bullying are unacceptable.
ï‚· Complaints are dealt with quickly, firmly and fairly, involving parents in the process where
ï‚· The school has a firm and fair discipline structure.
ï‚· Pupils are encouraged to discuss how they get on with other people and to form positive attitudes towards other people. This includes work on friendship and what it really means.
6. The school’s procedures for investigation, follow up and recording of bullying behaviour and the established intervention strategies used by the school for dealing with cases of bullying behaviour are as follows:
When a complaint of bullying is made or when bullying behaviour is observed the following procedure will be followed:
A – Reporting
Any child may approach any member of staff at any time if they feel they are being bullied. Children should report to members of staff if they feel other children are being bullied. Parents should contact the school if they feel their child is being bullied or involved in bullying. Members of staff should approach the principal/chairperson if they feel they are being bullied.
B – Investigation
The complaint will be investigated fully by interviewing the children named and any others who may be able to provide information. At all times they will be encouraged to discuss everything with their parents. Victim and perpetrator will be treated seriously and with fairness and compassion. All sides will be listened to. Parents may be informed at any stage. If considered necessary the Board of Management will be informed. A written record may be made and retained in the school files.
C – Outcome
If the school authorities feel that there is evidence of bullying the following strategies will be used:
If the behaviour is not too serious and the staff have confidence that it may end
The class teacher and principal or deputy principal will discuss the matter with both parties.
The perpetrator will be warned of the consequences should there be further bullying behaviour.
The situation will be monitored closely.
Parents may be informed.
If the behaviour is of a severe bullying nature or escalates, the situation becomes more serious, and some or all of the following sanctions may be applied:
ï‚· Continued reasoning with the pupil and advice on how to behave.
ï‚· Loss of various privileges.
ï‚· Parents may be requested to escort their child to and from school.
ï‚· In very serious cases it is within the power of the Board of Management to exclude a pupil for a period or ultimately to expel a pupil.
The school may seek assistance and advice from outside agencies if necessary, including National Educational Psychological Service, the National Educational Welfare Board and the HSE.
The aim of the school will always be reconciliation and resolution of conflict.
7. The school’s programme of support for working with pupils affected by bullying is as follows:
Victim: Those who have been subjected to bullying will be supported through the pastoral care structures in the school. Support will be provided for anyone who has been /is being bullied by offering them an immediate opportunity to talk about their experience with their teacher or another teacher. A victim will be assured that the school community will help them and put monitoring procedures in place to safeguard them. Children have the opportunity to participate in social skills lessons designed to raise their self-esteem and to develop their friendship and social skills. The victims may have counselling provided by outside agencies.
Perpetrator: Those who have been found to have engaged in bullying will be encouraged to recognise the inappropriateness of such behaviour and the seriousness of its effects on others. Help and support will also be sought for the bully. This will include speaking to them to discover why they became involved. For those low in self-esteem, opportunities will be developed to increase feelings of self-worth through the SPHE programme. Pupils who observe incidents of bullying behaviour should be encouraged to discuss them with teachers. Pupils who engage in serious bullying behaviour may have counselling provided.
Other: Class lessons will be taught, mainly in S.P.H.E. dealing with respect, self-esteem and the issue of bullying. It is ensured that children know where get help from – parents. Children are assured that they may seek help from many sources – parents, school community and outside agencies.
8. Bullying of School Personnel: Bullying (in any form as described at Section 2 above) of school personnel by pupils, their parents/guardians or by colleagues, by means of physical assault, damage to property, verbal abuse, threats to their families or any form of intimidation will not be accepted, will be investigated, and will be acted upon.
See Health and Safety Statement for more detail of procedures
9. Supervision and Monitoring of Pupils
The Board of Management confirms that appropriate supervision and monitoring policies and practices are in place to both prevent and deal with bullying behaviour and to facilitate early intervention where possible.
10. Prevention of Harassment
The Board of Management confirms that the school will, in accordance with its obligations under equality legislation, take all such steps that are reasonably practicable to prevent the sexual harassment of pupils or staff or the harassment of pupils or staff on any of the nine grounds specified i.e. gender including transgender, civil status, family status, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, race and membership of the Traveller community.
11. Communication This policy has been made available to school personnel, published on the school website and provided to the Parents’ Association. A copy of this policy will be made available to the Department and the patron if requested.
12. Implementation:
This policy and its implementation will be reviewed by the Board of Management once in every school year. Written notification that the review has been completed will be made available to school personnel, published on the school website and provided to the Parents’ Association. A record of the review and its outcome will be made available, if requested, to the patron and the Department.
Following formulation in consultation with the Parents’ Association and staff of the school, this policy was adopted by the Board of Management on_________ 2014

St. Brigid’s Primary School

Mobile Phone Use Policy
In line with the school’s anti-bullying policy 2014 there are now strict guidelines regarding the use of mobile phones in our school.
Children do not need to bring mobile phones to school as necessary phone calls for pupils will be facilitated from the office phone.
If a pupil needs to have a mobile phone at school, for use – for example after school – his/her
parents/guardians must request permission in writing.
Pupils with an approved phone must hand it, switched off, to his/her teacher on arrival in the
classroom and collect it at going home time.
The school will take no responsibility for any phone which is lost, damaged or stolen from a pupil
while on the school premises.
If a pupil is found in possession of a phone without written permission, it will be confiscated.
The phone must not be switched on until the pupil is outside the school grounds.
Any breach of the above guidelines will result in the confiscation of the phone. It must then be collected
by the child’s parent/guardian.

Agreed Report from the Board of Management Meeting 3rd February 2014

– New Phone System: Pager needs to be upgraded
– Correspondence: Correspondence from Ronnie Ryan , Secretary to Minister for Education in reply to email sent regarding book rental scheme. Board very annoyed that our school will not avail of funding to set up Book Rental Scheme as school already has a Book Rental Scheme.
– Correspondence from DES , Circular 0063/2013 Reducing costs to parents- School Uniform. Parents Association discussed this document and agreed parents of our school should be surveyed.
– Photocopying Machine: Photocopying machine needs to be changed. We got quotation from IBS for three options, buy, lease, rent. It was decided to request quotations from two other companies and compare like with like.
– Policies: Anti Bullying, Mobile Phone for children , and revised P.E. Policies were ratified.
– Wheelchair Access: Board will make the school wheelchair accessible before September 2014. Railing to be put on ramp at the back door
– New mobile library seating: Board agreed to purchase a mobile library seat for use in the school.

Principal’s Report to Board of Management Date : 3rd February 2014
Pre- Enrolment/ Enrolment:
Total enrolment 3rd February 2014=222
Staffing: Staffing for 2013/2014 . Principal 8 mainstream teachers learning Support Teacher and Resource Teacher
Maintenance: Stage erected

D.E..S. In-service/ Curriculum .
– Willow planting has taken place.
– Mobile Phone Policy for children, Anti Bullying Policy and P.E. Policies ratified

Parents’ Association Meeting:
– €3,100 approx made on Christmas Raffle
– Christmas Treats/ Santa €250
– Parents prepared food for Grandparents day
– P.A. paying for basketball
– P.A paying for tin whistle

Projects/ Activities
– Violin Lessons continue.
– Basketball is on going for senior classes.
– Swimming will commence on 10th March for children from 2nd class upwards
– Active School Week 28th April
– Sports Day 2nd May
– Tours for all classes have been arranged for May, Juniors to Turoe, Middle Classes to the zoo and senior classes to Arigna and Lough Key Forest Park.
– Action Day and Renewal Day Green School. Application for 4th Green Flag on 5th March
– World Book Day – 6th March, reading awareness, and dress up as your favourite character
– First Confession on 11th March
– Retreat for Confirmation Class 20th March
– Ceoilchoirm 13th March
– Confirmation on 11th April
– First Communion 17th May

Next meeting 7th April 2014

Agreed Report from Board of Management Meeting 3rd Dec 2013

The following is the agreed report from the Board of Management Meeting 3rd December 2013
– Gutters repaired
– Buses to Hallelujah Concert cost €745.Buses being subsidised by Rural Link €149 and Parents’Association
– All pupils in the school have 24/7 Personal Accident Insurance
– Minor Works Grant has been re-instated
– Recycling of clothes €246

Principal’s Report to Board of Management
Pre- Enrolment/ Enrolment:
Total enrolment 3rd December 2013 =220
Staffing: Staffing for 2013/2014 . Principal 8 mainstream teachers learning Support Teacher Resource Teacher.

D.E..S. In-service/ Curriculum .
School Self Evaluation: Draft of Plan presented to Board at this meeting. Finalised plan will be on school website in 2014
School Improvement Plan: Draft of Plan presented to Board at this meeting. Finalised plan will be on school website in 2014.
Staff reviewing P.E. Policy in line with ACE and Application for Active Flag. School making an application for silver award in ACE and making an application for Active School Flag this year. Parents on the committee are Noel Kelly, Patricia Claffey and Jennifer Campbell
School applying for the ACE Silver Award and Active School Flag this year.
Board agreed to contribute to the cost of willow planting in the school garden. School got a grant of €300 from Local Agenda towards this project.
Staff also reviewing Anti Bullying(incorporating Cyber Bullying) Policy before the next meeting.
Teachers completed First Aid Course.
New stage has been erected in the hall in time for the Christmas Plays.

Projects/ Activities Parents’ Association:
AGM of Parents Association held 18th September
Clothes Collection on 22nd October raised €246
Christmas Raffle. Raffle Tickets on sale. Please support. Raffle will take place on 12th Dec in P.Egan’s
Santa Visit on 18th December
Violin Lessons continue.
Hallelujah Concert on Dec 6th in City West. 70 Senior Pupils will participate
Local Hallelujah Concert will be held on 12th December in School and also violin recital.
28th January.. Triple P Meeting in the school for parents.

Timetable for Christmas Plays
Thurs. 12th – Hallelujah and Violin Recital at 1.30
Fri 13th – Ms. Ganly’s play at 1.15
Mon 16th – Mrs. Keena’s Play at 1.15
Mrs. Gillivan’s Play at 2.00
Tues 17th
Ms. Monahan’s Play at 1.15
Ms. Mc Gill’s Play at 2.00
Wed 18th
Santa visits the school
Thurs 19th
Army Band

Next Meeting: Monday 3rd February 2014 at 8pm

Agreed Report from Board of Management Meeting 1st October 2013

The following is the agreed report from the Board of Management Meeting 1st October 2013
-Loss of EAL Teacher: Minister Ruairi Quinn replied to school’s appeal re loss of EAL Teacher. He advised that enquiries are being made re this matter.

-Child Protection: Stay Safe Programme being taught in all classes. Teachers asked to teach lesson on talking to strangers this week in light of assault in Athlone.
-New Phone System: School has new internal phone system which enhances security and safety in our school.
-Health and Safety Courses are being arranged for school year 2013/2014 for all members of staff. Use of Fire Extinguishers on 2nd October. First Aid on 21st November
-School is a Rainbows Site. Rainbows will commence again in 2013/2014

Principal’s Report to Board of Management Date: 1st October 2013
-Pre- Enrolment/ Enrolment:
-Total enrolment 1st October 2013=217
-Staffing: Staffing for 2013/2014 . Principal 8 mainstream teachers learning Support Teacher Resource Teacher.

-Brennans 24 hour Personal Accident Insurance taken out for all pupils.
D.E..S. In-service/ Curriculum .
-The results of the Drumcondra Standardised Tests were presented to the Board. Pupils in our school are performing above the normal distribution in Maths and English.
-School Improvement Plan will be submitted at next meeting
-School applying for the ACE Silver Award and Active School Flag this year.
-Planting of Willow in garden. Catherine Gallagher with the help of parents looking after this project.

Parents’ Association AGM of Parents Association held 18th September
-Parents to organise Clothes Collection on 22nd October and Halloween Treats, Dress Up on 25th October

Projects/ Activities
-Violin Lessons have commenced for children from Third Class upwards.
-70 children will participate in the Hallelujah Concert on 6th Dec in City West Dublin
-Local Concert will be held on 12th December in Tuar Ard @ 4pm
-Artist in Residence.. Debbie Thomas will work with 3rd/4th. 5th and 6th classes starting on Nov 5th. Writing is the theme.
-Cycle Safety… starting on Thursday 10th for 4 weeks for 5th and 6th classes
-Army Band on 19th Dec
-Mass on 11th October for start of school year.
-Gaelic Training has commenced for 3rd, 4th 5th and 6th classes
-First Holy Communion on 17th May 2014
-Confirmation on 11th April 2014
-Healthy Eating and Assessment Policies ratified at Board Meeting

Next meeting 3rd December 2013 at 8.00pm.

Agreed Report from Board of Management Meeting 18th June 2013

-Department of Education and Skills has withdrawn the EAL Post from the school for 2013/2014.
Board of Management has appealed this decision again but were unsuccessful.
-Health and Safety Courses are being arranged for school year 2013/2014 for all members of staff.
-Security in the school was discussed in relation to free access to classrooms. Intercom system to be installed in school during the school holidays In future parents will not be permitted to go to any classroom to collect a child.
-New fence to be erected between Nun’s Cemetery and Playground during the Summer Holidays.

Principal’s Report to Board of Management Date: 19/06/2013
-Pre- Enrolment/ Enrolment:
-Total enrolment 18th June 2013=213
-Open Day for Junior Infants: 45 Junior Infants including 2 repeats
-Projected number for 2013/2014 = 220.

-Staffing: Staffing for 2013/2014 . Loosing EAL Teacher . Appealed the decision but was not successful.

-Maintenance: General maintenance…painting of corridor and some classrooms (if necessary)
New tables and chairs to be bought for second infant room and new equipment

D.E..S. In-service/ Curriculum .
-Standardised Testing has taken place. Analysed results at next meeting
-Reports out 17th June
-School has been awarded Bronze Award in ACE

Parents’ Association Meeting:
– Parents Association catered for First Communion Party
-Sharon catered for parents of new infants on Friday 14th
-Clothes Collection on 26th June
-AGM of Parents Association on 18th September 2013

Projects/ Activities
Violin Lessons (Third Classes upwards).. Natalia Goborova teaches in Moate Community School. Maximum number of children is 20. School to purchase some violins and rent out. Lessons will cost €4 a child for ½ hour , 5 in a group. Loan from Board to purchase violins
Sixth Class will visit Dun na Si on Wednesday 19th June . Lunch from Supermacs provided by Parents’ Association.
Teddy Bears Picnic for Infants taking place on Thursday 19th
Hallelujah Concert on Dec 6th in City West. Senior Pupils will participate
End of Year Mass on Monday 24th June

Fr. Farrell acknowledged the efforts of the teachers in preparing the children for the Sacraments. He also thanked the Parents Association for providing the refreshments after the First Holy Communion.

Agreed Report from Board of Management Meeting 7th May 2013.

-Board of Management welcomed the re-surfacing and re-marking of the Station Road.
-Department of Education and Skills has withdrawn the EAL Post from the school for 2013/2014.
Board of Management has appealed this decision but were unsuccessful. Another appeal will be made in June.
-Health and Safety Courses are being arranged for school year 2013/2014 for all members of staff.
-School is a Rainbows Site. Rainbows will commence again in 2013/2014
-Security in the school was discussed in relation to free access to classrooms. In future parents will not be permitted to go to any classroom to collect a child.
-Child Protection: Board completed the Checklist for Annual Review of the Child Protection Policy.

Principal’s Report to Board of Management Date: 7th May 2013
Pre- Enrolment/ Enrolment:
Total enrolment 7th May 2013=213
44 applications for enrolment for junior infants 2013/2014
6 enrolments for other classes
Projected number for 2013/2014 = 225.
Staffing for 2012/2013 As per circular 07/2012
Staffing for 2013/2014. Loosing EAL Teacher. Appealed the decision but was not successful
Maintenance: .Roof of play shed and oil shed to be repaired/ replaced
Weeds in gutters

D.E..S. In-service/ Curriculum.
Drumcondra TestingEnglish and Spelling…27th-31st May
Maths 10th June -14th June
Reports out 17th June
Mrs. Gillivan and Fourth Class have been awarded a Discover Primary Science Award
School making an application for Bronze Award in ACE

Parents’ Association Meeting:
Sharon reported that Parents Association is busy preparing for the First Communion Party. They intend holding a uniform sale and clothes collection after the end of year Mass.
Projects/ Activities
Basketball continuing until the end of May
First Communion 11th May
Confirmation 16th May
Tours booked for 7th June Senior Tour to Activity Camp in Galway, Junior Tour to Turoe
New Infants in on June 14th
Swimming commencing on 13th May for 6th, 4th and 3rd classes
Football Training: Cathy, Elaine and Caitriona taking children for 6 weeks training in Moate Community School Pitch after school on Thursdays. Insurance in place.

Next meeting 18th June 2013 at 8.00pm.

The following is the agreed report from the Board of Management Meeting 22nd January 2013.

Councillor Tom Allen advised that Station Road will be re-tarred and marked during the mid-term break or Easter Holiday

Principal’s Report to Board of Management Date : 22nd January 2013
Pre- Enrolment/ Enrolment:
Total enrolment on 22nd January 2013=213
42 applications gone out to new applicants for 2013/2014

Staffing for 2012/2013 As per circular 007/2012 -Caitriona Kelly appointed for maternity leave for Emma Casey

D.E..S. In-service/ Curriculum . -School self evaluation on 12th February for all staff plus staff of Boys School. Brian Mac Giolla Padraig Inspector called this meeting. Children will go home at 2.45
Staff meeting on Thursday 24th.. children go home at 2pm

Projects/ Activities
Army Band Recital Thursday 24th
Grandparents prayer service on Feb 1st
Basketball and tin whistle on-going
First confession 19th March
Active Week 15th-19th April
Sports Day 19th April
Reading Awareness Week 4th-8th March
World Book Day 7th March
Tours booked for 7th June Senior Tour (Second Class upwards) to Activity Camp in Galway,
Junior Tour to Turoe on 7th June
New Infants in on June 14th
Swimming commencing on March 11th for 2nd class upwards
Bullying/ Cyber Bullying Talks for pupils, staff and an evening talk for parents if there is a demand.

The following is the agreed report from the Board of Management Meeting 27th November 2012

Yellow Box at entrance to Car park: Request to be made to Council re marking out this area. Problem with parents parking in this area.
Principal’s Report to Board of Management Date : 27th November 2012
Pre- Enrolment/ Enrolment:
Total enrolment on 27th November 2012= 214

• Staffing for 2012/2013 As per circular 007/2012
Substitute teacher appointed for maternity leave for Emma Casey

• D.E..S. In-service/ Curriculum .
• Special Education Support Service on Thursday 29th for staff of our school and Oliver Plunkett Boys School on Diagnosing and Supporting Children with Dyslexia
In service for Link Teachers in Numeracy (Sabrina)and Literacy (Anne) 28th Nov and 4th Dec
• Projects/ Activities
• Christmas Nativity Plays taking place in December
• Personalised Christmas Cards made
• Students on work experience
• Parents Association:
• Organising Christmas Raffle and Santa’s Visit on 21ST December

The following is the agreed report from the Board of Management Meeting 25th September 2012

New balustrade was fitted to stairs during the summer holidays.
Other maintenance jobs completed during the summer months include painting of staff room, re-felting and reflective painting of flat roof, casing in and tiling around hand basins in infants toilets, sealing of cisterns in toilets, replacement of toilet,
Principal’s Report:
Principal’s Report to Board of Management Date: 25th September 2012
Pre- Enrolment/ Enrolment:
Total enrolment on 25th September 2012=212
New entrants: 35

Staffing for 2012/2013
Olive Quinn: Principal
Sixth Class: Mrs. Deirdre Keena
Fifth Class: Mrs. Geraldine Earley Deputy Principal
Fourth Class: Mrs. Cathy Gillivan
Thirrd Class: Mrs.Emma Casey
Second Class: Ms. Linda Mc Gill
First Class; Ms. Oonagh Mahony
Senior Infants: Ms. Sharon Ganly
Junior Infants: Ms. Elaine Monahan
Language Support/ Literacy Lift Off Support Teacher: Sabrina Rabbette
Learning Support/ Literacy Lift Off Support Teacher; Mrs. Anne Galvin
Resource Teacher/ Literacy Lift Off Support Teacher: Mrs. Catherine Gallagher.
Ms. Mary Mollen is substituting for Mrs. Deirdre Keena

• D.E..S. In-service/ Curriculum .

• Results of Standardised Testing were presented to the Board. Board expressed satisfaction with the results.
• WSE Report now on the DES website
• In conjunction with Croke Park Hours in service in Building Bridges of Understanding and Mindfulness for Children to be organised.
• Usage of Croke Park Hours for teachers and snas presented to Board
• Staff has commenced work on school self evaluation prioritising Literacy
• Projects/ Activities
• School Mass for start of School Year to take place on National Day of Prayer 12th October ‘12
• National Parks and Wildlife Service..Education Officer visited school on 20th September . Talks for First and Second class on Wildlife
• Gaelic Training has commenced
• October 8th School Photographer
• Hallowe’en Trick or Treat…Walk in town. 26th October.
• Triple P Programme: Talk on raising confident children in school on Wednesday 26th September @7.30.
• Clothes Collection on 26th October
• Children will make their own personalised Christmas Cards this year.
• Child Protection: Principal gave Child Protection Report.
Parent’S Report: Sharon Hamm gave report from AGM of Parent’s Association and also gave the Parent’s Association Financial Report

Policies under Review:
E Learning Plan, Assessment and School Self Evaluating prioritising Literacy.

The following is the agreed report from the Board of Management Meeting 12th June 2012

Footpath at entrance to school repaired.
Walkway up to entrance needs to be repaired also.

New balustrades to be fitted on staircase during the summer months.

General maintenance and painting to be completed during the summer months.

Principal’s Report:

Total enrolment on 12th June 2012= 222

Applications for enrolment for 2012/2013 = 31

Projected enrolment for 2012/2013= 215


Staffing for 2012/2013 As per circular 0007/2012

Appeal made to DES re loss of EAL Teacher.

Substitute teacher will be required for September to finish up a Maternity Leave .

D.E..S. In-service/ Curriculum .

Standardised Testing in all classes (from first class upwards) is complete. Results will be presented to the board at next Board of Management meeting (September).
All Staff members attending talk on Building Bridges of Understanding on Tuesday 19th June

WSE Report has been received and forwarded to all board members. The Board responded to the report. The Report will be available on the DES Website in July/ August.

Parent’s Report:

Parent’s Association are having a Uniform Sale in the school on Thursday 21st June 2012.

Policies under Review:

E Learning Plan, Assessment and Action Plan for Literacy and Numeracy are under review.

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