We at St. Brigid’s recognise the positive impact high attendance has on student engagement and on teaching and learning.
Early collection: when it is absolutely necessary for your child to leave early, please write a note in the homework diary. You must also sign your child out in the office.
Absent note: In the event of your child being absent for illness or any other reason, the class teacher should be informed by filling out the absence note at the back of your child’s diary on return to school.
If a child is absent for 15 days or more the school must inform parents and a Tusla pre-referral form is completed at this stage. This is a statutory obligation that all schools must adhere to.
Should an absence exceed 20 days (regardless of reason) the school are obliged to inform Tusla.
We would encourage parents to communicate with the school principal in relation to any issues that might affect their child’s attendance throughout the year.